Grading, Lateness, and Extensions
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1) Overall Grade
Your overall grade in 6.S966 will be the weighted average of the component grades:
- Problem Sets (Exercises): 30%
- Exams: 70%
- Exam 1: 20%
- Exam 2: 20%
- Exam 3: 30%
Problem sets
Typically, problem sets are released each Monday at 2:30pm Eastern, and due online (through the course website) the second following Friday at 11:59pm ET. Each problem set page will explicitly show it's due date at the top of the page. We will make annoucements as necessary in class and on Piazza if there are any changes to this schedule.Problem sets are mostly coding and will be autograded using test cases. We may choose to do some problems in class. We may provide Colaboratory (Colab) notebooks with these test cases to help you prototype your code interactively.
2) Lateness and extensions
Due dates are posted on-line for each component. Late submissions incur a 20% penalty per day, applied linearly (so 1 hour late is -0.83%). See the extension policy below.
To help you manage your obligations, each student is given 10 automatic one-day extensions on problem sets!
If you are ill or are having personal difficulties that are interfering with your work, see the section below.
Otherwise, everyone gets 10 one-day extensions, implemented as follows: at the end of the semester, for each student, we will compute a set of pairs (n, a) such that if we were to move assignment a's deadline forward by n days, their overall total grade would be maximized, subject to the constraint that the total number of days (the sum of the n values) is less than or equal to 10. This can be applied only be applied to Problem sets.
There will be no further extensions for any other reason (this includes sports, conference travel, music, interviews, projects, extracurricular activities, etc.). You do not need to ask for the extensions to be applied; they are applied algorithmically at the end of the term.
If you add the subject after the start of classes, we will move the week 1 assignment deadlines forward by a week, but will not give any extensions beyond that. However, the normal lateness and automatic extension policy should provide additional help.
3) Accommodations
Illness and personal issues
If you are sick you should not attend lecture or in-person office hours. Also, if you have personal difficulties affecting your progress on assignments, please see a Dean in Student Support Services, and then you and the Dean should contact Prof. Tess Smidt at for assistance and handling of the situation.
We are committed to the principle of equal access, and we are more than willing to make arrangements to help accommodate students with disabilities or related challenges. In general, knowing about the kind of help you need earlier in the semester means that we'll be better prepared to provide that help effectively, in coordination with Disability and Access Services. If you have a disability and are not planning to use accommodations, it is still recommended that you meet with DAS staff to familiarize yourself with their services and resources. If you have been approved for accommodations by DAS, 6.S966 staff are ready to assist with implementation. Please send these approved requests to Prof. Tess Smidt at to inform us, and we will work to implement these accommodations.